Thursday, May 27, 2010

Close to the end of the week....

Thursday and Gary said I hadn't posted in a while.  I don't guess I had to much to say over and above my paranoia about the Foster Parent Specialist coming to our house.  I was trying to explain this fear to Darla and I know that it stems from when I was growing up.  We were on Welfare my whole life and I remember the caseworker coming to my house.  I don't think my mom told me we could be taken if everything didn't check out on these visits.  It was just something I believed.  Now if someone like that comes I run down the same fears.  I am working through it though.  See - I am still here and alive.  I still have my kids and the two little ones.  Everything is O K.  Affirmation complete.  Sometimes we just have to do a little self talk! 
I also am feeling guilty about the hoarding - but I am getting better with that too!  (Gosh Darn it)
Putting your feelings out in the open for God and everyone to see is helpful.  If I had to come out of the closet for anything this would sure do it!  I do hold back on some stuff that my mom or family would see and may be hurtful.  Once it is out there it is out there for good. 
I start my first class on my bachelors next Tues.  I am a little scared because it has been a long time.  I want to zip through this and be at the end already!  I am not a good waiter!
My step-dad had a scare yesterday and thought he was having a heart attack.  He is visiting the doctors today so hopefully we know soon what is going on with him.  It could have been gallbladder.  I think it is stupid that they can't order an ultrasound at the ER without your primary doctors consent.  What the hell is the use?  It seems like a tactic to make sure each doctor gets a piece of the money pie to me.  But who am I?  Nuff said!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I talked to the lady yesterday that will be coming to visit us in a couple weeks.  She will be here on the 25th.  I have to get moving and hopefully the boys will be willing to help me.  I still need them to move all the stuff off the deck into the garage.  I have a lot of clothes to go through.
Riley has plans to spend the night with a friend tonight so he won't be available.
Don't crowd the mushrooms or they won't brown....

Friday, May 7, 2010

On a lighter note....

Man, that last post drug me much that I cried again when I read it later.  So sorry!
So it is a beautiful day in Southern Indiana.  I plan on going home after I get off and grilling hamburgers for supper.  One of my favorite things to do when it is warm is to be at the grill.  The kids are able to play on the deck and get some fresh air. 
I went to St. Vincents today- used clothing and thrift stores being my largest vice; and only bought a basket to further my organization process.  I am going to Wal-mart to get the obligatory "stuff" later (thank you Hunny) and want to find a pantry cabinet for the boxed goods.  I need to do research for how to get rid of weevils and mice.  Did I mention I hate mice.....
I would like to get a lot of the stuff taken to the garage that we couldn't move last weekend because of the rain- maybe it won't rain tomorrow?
I know I am bad - I took my dad the outdated boxed food because I knew he wouldn't care.  He will eat anything and needs anything he can get right now.  He looks like a skeleton.  It is tough to see your father that is supposed to be a role model be the way he is.  He said I might have to call my (Mennonite) aunt to bail him out of jail later.....I never knew him and I never will.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Missin my little brother...

I found a photo album in my bathroom on the floor this morning.  I don't know where it came from or how it got there but I am sure the culprit is 2 and named Hayden.  I flipped through pictures that I think belong to my brother Danny best as I can see.  They are probably left over from when I cleaned out some of his stuff when he was put in jail and my house was a disaster... not a good memory. There were pictures of my nephew Jordan around 3 and all of Annette's older kids when they were little.  There was a picture of me and Fred when I was pregnant with Doug with really big orange hair.  The one that stopped me was of my brother Chadd and his girl friend Connie.  He, as usual, was shirtless.  I think it was at a cookout in my sister's back yard.  He had his big smile on his face.  I hate that gut wrenching pain I feel every time I see him in a picture...the pain behind my eyes and the gull in my throat.  I miss him more than I ever thought possible.  There were memories only he and I shared that now I have no one to remember with.
When we were little we fought a lot.  I was always bigger and when we fought I usually got the best of him.  Dad reminded me once in an argument that we fought a lot and said if I hadn't maybe he would have felt more loved and not killed himself....nice thing to say huh?
Normal petty sibling rivalry- nothing too bad.  Before he passed he actually called me occasionally just to talk.  My Mom is mad at my sister and niece right now for something I don't agree with and won't attend family functions.  Once they are gone you can't take it back.  No more "I'm sorry" or "I wish I had said".  I try hard not to hold grudges because I know it only hurts me....eating dirt is a lot easier than squelching the guilt afterward.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Patience with a two year old....

I 'll be bleeped if lil H didn't take a full box of Bisquick and dump it all over the breakfast nook today.  He even took hands full and threw them at the blinds.  I had it everywhere; even the carpet in the adjoining room.  Sucked to clean up but I did it....not with a smile mind you....
Ok- and really~! Refridgerated food for dogs?  Hows much do you think this stuff costs?  Someone is off their rocker.  It looks like a roll of Brawtwarst with peas and carrots...I'm just saying.  You can tell we have no pets...they would last long in my house with 5 kids. 
My best friend was here from Nashville.  We had a excellent visit to Bobe's and did a lot of Gabbin'.  We talked until two.  I am really getting old....
Didn't get much done today but cleaning up messes and making supper on the grill.  Tomorrow will be better, I am promising myself.  Got 4 loads of laundry to wash and three more to fold so I gotta see about some of it...and Jeff Neal- I have amish relation but you can't steal my soul with your blackberry in Wal-mart...I am impervious like one of your superheros!